Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Monday, December 15, 2014


as my comp and i came up to this really old man to see if he needed any help carrying his bags and so that we would be able to contact this brohommie. and so i started out by asking him if there was anything we could help him with. and to our surprise he just kept on walking. ya know.... sitting there a little puzzled as to why he didn't ever answer back (even a no. or a i'm busy would be nice), I decided to ask him again but a little louder this time. and with that little bit more strength he looked at us a little shocked as to if we just snuck up on him. with that look he told us no and i snagged that opener to start to contact this man. but.... he either was not interested or just could not hear :D:D:D and i did not even matter what i said he just kept on walking absolutely oblivious to the world. :D I sure hope that the intention counts and that the man will be able to find some elders somewhere someday.... cuz i don't know how many more days he will have. (kinda an old fellow)

This last wednesday was awesome. I remember that last year during this time really was not so great (pres. morales). but this year president stutzenegger made it a freakin awesome time. He started the day out by having a devotional and watching a video about how El es la dadiva and then we had a talent show. there were some freakin awesome talents. like a kid who made this amazing rap about the mission i would pay for that song on itunes. Then we had some lunch and president gave us some time to play basketball, soccer, football or... watch frozen! and i had all the intentions to go outside and play some basketball but as i was passing the room where they were just starting to watch the moving i decided to sit on down and just watch a little bit. and the next thing ya know the movie was over. but my favorite part would have to be when she sang let it go. yeah that definitely was a favorite. and then after the movie ended we headed on back to our areas and worked. so... yeah. that was this last week. :D:DD fun and .... missionary like. 

sleeping on a combi :D:D:D

where i got my blood drawn...

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