Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday, December 22, 2014

The Coca-Cola

I got to know a hard core gangster this last week. i had heard a lot about this man when i first got here to the area and how he is really cool with the elders but.... kinda unstable. oh and he speaks english... so this day we were looking for this house to see if a contact that we had done lived there. and once we turned on to the road that this contact lived on. I saw a group of about 12 people just sittin in the street all smokin weed. (almost more common than the regular cigarettes.) as we started to get closer and closer to the house that we needed to knock someone yelled out from the group of weed smokers. Elder Keller! and the broham stood up and came over to us and started to talk to us. then he offered to buy us something from the store. we really didn't want anything in that moment and thus told him that we were fine for the moment. right when we said that he just started walking away from us and said come on i'm buyin you guys something. so... we followed him, not much you can do if someone does not accept your no. as we were walking to the store, some how we got on the subject of how he was broke for the last couple of weeks. and... hahaha how he told us just made me laugh. "ya know... i was broke for a week or two but its all good. got money in da bank now" by now we had made it to the store, and he told us that we could buy anything that we wanted. I was shocked when he pulled out like 4,000 pesos out of his left front pocket and shoved it into his jacket, then proceeds to reach into his other front pocket and his back pockets pulling out stacks of money from each pocket and stuff them into his jacket. with that...  I just knew i had to ask him where in the world he got all that money. so with all the confidence that i could have formed with this man in the last 5 minutes it should have been enough for him to tell me where he got that money, He told me... "it was a long morning to say the least. went to dat teller (of a bank) stuff went down, but i'm here and got money in da bank". hahah i didn't know what went down but... that coke was pretty good, and having friends like these down here in mexico is the best thing you can find. cuz that is how its run down here.....rob a bank--feed the missionaries!

and... with our investigators is going rough to say the least. but.... you can't do more if you already doing everything but with that in mind we did have several cool experiences. one being able to play basketball as a district against a Mexican High School team.  The coach is a member of our ward and he put it together.  we gave them a run for their money and I am sure you can guess who won with who we had on our team:D:D:D

as for the lady who gave me the presents in the picture below, she is crazy about us:D:D hope she is becoming crazy about the church too:D:D as you can see in the picture behind us she is married:D:D whew!!

Elder Anderson

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Monday, December 15, 2014


as my comp and i came up to this really old man to see if he needed any help carrying his bags and so that we would be able to contact this brohommie. and so i started out by asking him if there was anything we could help him with. and to our surprise he just kept on walking. ya know.... sitting there a little puzzled as to why he didn't ever answer back (even a no. or a i'm busy would be nice), I decided to ask him again but a little louder this time. and with that little bit more strength he looked at us a little shocked as to if we just snuck up on him. with that look he told us no and i snagged that opener to start to contact this man. but.... he either was not interested or just could not hear :D:D:D and i did not even matter what i said he just kept on walking absolutely oblivious to the world. :D I sure hope that the intention counts and that the man will be able to find some elders somewhere someday.... cuz i don't know how many more days he will have. (kinda an old fellow)

This last wednesday was awesome. I remember that last year during this time really was not so great (pres. morales). but this year president stutzenegger made it a freakin awesome time. He started the day out by having a devotional and watching a video about how El es la dadiva and then we had a talent show. there were some freakin awesome talents. like a kid who made this amazing rap about the mission i would pay for that song on itunes. Then we had some lunch and president gave us some time to play basketball, soccer, football or... watch frozen! and i had all the intentions to go outside and play some basketball but as i was passing the room where they were just starting to watch the moving i decided to sit on down and just watch a little bit. and the next thing ya know the movie was over. but my favorite part would have to be when she sang let it go. yeah that definitely was a favorite. and then after the movie ended we headed on back to our areas and worked. so... yeah. that was this last week. :D:DD fun and .... missionary like. 

sleeping on a combi :D:D:D

where i got my blood drawn...

Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday, December 8, 2014

run n gun

So the first thing that i would like to write about would have to be the fact that someone was shot in our area last week. My comp and i were sitting in a less actives house and her daughter ran in and sounded a little worried when she told us that some one had just been shot in street 3. so when me and my comp got done with that lesson we decided to head on down to street three to see if everything was ok. but when we got there..  well... there was only a car with some bullet holes in it and no person and just a whole bunch of police. we were glad to find it wasn't anyone we knew. its always fun to know that you can have something interesting happen every day.  

we went and helped some members clean out there shack on pday. they live along the railroad tracks not far from the river where they throw the bodies after they kill them. when i say shack i mean a place like a wood fort we would build back in the trees with old sheets of ply wood and we would lay carpet on the dirt for our floor. it was just like that except they didn't have any carpet. the family we were helping took us to a pile of dirt that i would have thought there might be a body buried under it but no! after digging for quite a while in this big pile of dirt we found some rugs that had been buried.  i didn't ask why they were buried i just kept digging until all the rugs were uncovered and they were in her shack. the mormons here are not like utah mormons. i call them Mexican Mormons because they are active and yet they do a few things that we wouldn't do in Utah. we were helping her clean out her shack when i lifted up a board in the corner of this members shack and there was marijuana growing behind the boards. i could tell she was trying to keep me away from that corner so when she went outside i got a couple shots of it.  i am sure it is for medical purposes....or so i'd like to think. 

Playing futball with my zone 

            The river where they throw the dead asked, so here it is!

                         Headed to help clean out the shack for a member

             Yes!  people tell me my face is fat! but why is it when my pants are soooo big?

                           Yes! we found a rabbit in their shack too!

                   Morning on my street

                     Like a walmart?

This angle makes all the train tracks no matter what country look beautiful!

                          District buddies:D:D

                       DIGGING OUT THE RUGS:D:D:D

How did they get all that dirt on top of the rugs anyway? but we found the rugs:D:D

                Finishing up

Headed home.....