This week had a good bye to my old companion and hello to a Wyoming boy. it has been one of the best weeks of my entire mission:D:D:D this picture is of a lady who we have become good friends with and she lets us help her cook our lunch. my companions endurance for putting in a full days work and trying to be friendly to people he didn't know slowly started to improve near the end of our time together. he had a hard time understanding how important it was to show that the gospel makes us happy. people were always asking us why is elder anderson happy and your companion is not. smiling is one of the first steps of being a good missionary and it is hard to teach someone that:D:D:D but he is smiling in this picture and that is why this is such an important picture:D:D:D
Yes mom you can have a picture of me and my new companion!!:D:D i know you want it so you can find out who he is and stalk his parents sooooooo HERE WE ARE! good luck mom:D:D:D
this is one of our favorite investigators kids:D:D we love her as much as she loves us:D:D
this is my new comp on the upper fence of our church:D:D free english classes from two americans:D
This trampoline picture is for my trampoline crazy family. some of the ward members brought this in to let everyone play on it after a baptism, i was going to show them all my tricks but the ceiling was a little low for someone over 6 feet but the "little" people had a blast. they love a good time:D:D:D
look close at this picture and you will see what fast food place is here too:D:D first guess doesn't count.
birthday with the elders

although it looks all fun i must admit that being sick makes it hard to have the energy to keep up the work:D:D eating less feels better. i have had to quit exercising so i can save my energy for the rest of the day:D:D for pday i exercised and didnt have anything left except to rest. i know there are elders are sicker than me so i cant complain but it makes everything harder but still good. i was made district leader and thats good because it causes me to rely on the lord even more as we are told our numbers as a district arent good enough. it use to be that as a senior comp my numbers werent good enough and now i get to carry the weight of the district not doing good enough. this is really hard for me but i know the lord is carrying me through this as not many positive things are said to us and so i need to be the positive change our district needs. i almost think i am not the same person because of it. so i am going to have to fast and pray i will be able to get some confidence back. my comp told me he can tell i have faith in god but not in myself. he is right and i know what has caused it and i know who can heal that as i was a super confident over achiever before i got her and i knew nothing could stop me and i need to get back to that. good thing i have faith:D:D cuz when you arent liked cuz you are an american it stinks. but the lord heals hearts and that is what i can trust in. thanks for all your prayers:D:D
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