Mother's Day!
This week was pretty freakin sick. we accomplished some things that we don't do every week. and yeah... there was another earth quake. (second one in my life.)
so i'm just going to start with the earth quake. so there i was just sitting in the stake center planning my next week.(ok... this isn't a an action movie.... so....) yeah so we were just planning and it was just like another normal day here in the hood (or... mexico) and i was just planning how i was going to make sure that none of our baptisms were going to fall from their date. In one moment i decided to sit back to take a breather (not like i was doing exercise or anything...just a break :D) and in that moment i felt like i fell over a little bit.... and i thought to my self..... well... i have never fainted in my life..... so this is a first and then it hit again. i saw the table move and felt myself like i was going to fall over.... then as my brain was just there trying to find an answer to why i feel like this i thought to my self..... hey gray (oops Elder Anderson) this is probably an earthquake. then all of the elders looked at each other and we all ran outside (because we all know that buildings in mexico are only concrete and more concrete just waiting to fall down.) and that is when we saw all of the people running and screaming as they were leaving the other buildings around us. hahahah (sorry for the laughter) but that is when elders started quoting that when the second coming is here people will walk in the streets like they were drunk, oh wait.... that man is just drunk (ok... that was a little bad... berkeley... probably take that out... ;D) but the earthquake was way stronger than the last one that happened. and it was quite the experience. I hope in the days that are to come there is another one that just so happens to bring a little bit more action to these parts of mexico :D
and.... yeah we also had the opportunity to baptize a hermana:D she is like my mother substitute, always making me sandwiches and worrying about my eating. she is the one who had the Lord had prepared with the medicine for my companion, so she is very dear to me:D:D:D but the story that is behind this baptism is a pretty good one. So this lady we already had an interview for her and she then says she didn't want to get baptized.... and she also said that if elder anderson leaves she would leave the church so we had to help her get past that too and so we have been working with her and seen so many changes in her life and she has been part of miracles, over the last 3 weeks and so we brought her in again for another interview and... YES she told us that she had the desire to be baptized.:D:D So this mothers day in Mexico which is saturday not sunday, we had her date so that she could make this commitment. And when we came to her house to take her to the church she was all good and well.. everything change when we hopped in the taxi.... who knows why but... something made her angry... and i knew that this conversation was not going anywhere good in that moment so ya know what you do when things are not going good... well.. you try to talk about something that will make her happy right ? :D:D so i asked her.... hey how has your day of mother's been? and she just told me..... Not good at all..... and i just thought to myself... oh great she was not happy already .... oh great... so while we were in the taxi driving to the church i was trying to make this lady happy so that we could have this joyful experience. and i don't really remember but we did finally get her to smile and forget all of the bad thoughts and things that had happened in her life for the last couple of days...(seen as satan was working on her as hard as we were) and when we got to the church she was happy and we got her baptized and i practically cried because after so much doubting and... all the things that happened miraculously with this hermana... she finally had the opportunity to take this baptism. :D

Today for lunch the one legged man who owns our building invited us to lunch. he makes the greatest burgers ever. i loved the cows hooves we were served for sunday on a tostada. t he cream sauce on top made it amazing. between this and the grasshoppers i ate this last week i can say i am really expanding my horizons.
there is a kid in our ward getting ready to go on a mission. i taught him the paper cross story and he killed it. the family i am teaching really responded to it and so i thought i should teach Mario this so it would help him wherever he gets called. he will be such a great missionary since he is 22 and excited:D:D:D
i love all the friends i have made in the streets. it is nice to have friends when you are out walking. there is one lady who sells us bread. she tells us she really likes us but she will never be interested in talking to us....but you never know, she may change her mind just like others have. i do wonder why people that don't know me yell at me to go home and to quit trying to steal their uranium??? are we???
The kids here are so cool. i took some pictures so you could see how cute they are. i love mexico:D:D
the pictures of me are being taken by a future photographer:D:D
When you look at the picture of a bunch of elders standing outside of the church you will know what elders look like after they run out of the stake center after the second earthquake that was even harder than the first....i know you told me it wasn't stronger but it was here:D:D
it is such a small world:D:D i am teaching a lady who had a visitor from out of town and guess where she is from.....Pleasant Grove Utah! crazy that she knew where highland was.
i wont tell you what she said about highland:D:D
Oh and this mother's day was freakin killer. I'm not going to lie the chance to talk with your mother is probably one of the coolest experiences that you will have here on the mission, except for when a very scary man walks in while you are skyping and looks like he wanted to kill us all, even the blonde people looking back at me on the computer:D:D so glad you all got to feel what mexico can be like sometimes:D:D deep down i know they like us.:D:D:D i Just want so say that i love my mother and that she is kinda weird.... i would probably be more normal and not as cool of a person if it weren't for her :D LOVE YA MOM! :D
um.... yeah... that's about it for this week :D:D