we found a man who was drunker than drunk who wanted us to teach him. he has given up drinking and smoking and has come to church twice but didn't make it this last sunday, bummer:(
i live for your letters every week, they are what keeps me going:D:D thanks for believing in me and sharing how the scriptures have helped you:D:D
it seems as though things are very much the same for me after being here for so long in this area. if i send you any more pictures they would be repeats:D:D have a great week and find peace:D:D:D
i hope you don't mind if i took out more money. i have to get my ingrown toenail cut out three or four times a month and it takes almost all my allotted mission money. i didn't want to but after six months of this it is costing me a lot and doesn't get better:( what else can i do? what do they do in the states for this? help??????
as for the murders, they are the same. and so are the robberies. i never would have thought they would become mundane but it is just the way it is is, life threatened mundane but the times the Lord tells me what to say and what to do has never become mundane. he is always there for me and keeps me from harm even in the last seconds. and if He doesn't He tells me what to do:D He is there for each of us:D:D
thanks for trying to turn my spanish back into letters so Grammy and Grandma can read them:D:D peace:D